Thursday, May 5, 2011

Michael Meier & Rico Scagliola

Neue Menschen

The youth nowadays knows how to play to the gallery – and Michael Meier and Rico Scagliola know how to capture those very special moments through the lens. After they've been working for more than two years on their book Neue Menschen, which contains pictures of teenagers from every fringe group you can possibly think of, has been published the 4th of May. And to celebrate this extraordinary book, the two artists invited to join them at Exil, Zurich. Starting at 8 am, Meier and Scagliola welcomed us, accompanied by the main represented kids in the book, on stage. It actually sent shivers down my spine how those five people stood there, stock-still and dressed perfectly, while a movie was projected to a screen right behind them. The movie showed filmings the artists made while a monologue was being read by Meier and Scagliola themselves. After this ceremony, which took about fifteen minutes, the visitors were given the chance to buy one of those books. And whoever didn't, should really head to the next bookshop to make sure you get an exemplar of this photographic album – because it really reflects the zeitgeist.
P.S. I really should stop texting after I've had two glasses of wine – that's what I call social not-working.
P.P.S Time to please someone with my first give-away: A signed copy of Neue Menschen! To get this goodie type your name and email address in a comment below (the winner will be notified the 15th of May latest).

All my love,
your slighlty headached Holly Golightly

Photo taken by Michael Meier and Rico Scagliola

Neue Menschen


  1. I've heard about that! This sounds sooooo great! Wow, thank you for the opportunity, this is huge!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. julian riegel

  4. Hi dear Holly,

    have you decided the winner? I'm excited :)

  5. The lucky winner was Wanda from the this is our wedding blog.

    Congrats <3
