Friday, May 27, 2011


Well, it's been a while since you've last heard from me – I'm terribly sorry but the last couple o' days were really, really hectic. So hectic I couldn't even manage to make it to the opening of the summer season at rimini market. What a shame! It doesn't make it easier to miss such interesting happenings when you hear everyone slobbering about it the day after. But enough of this, I am more than sure that the fab rimini team made it an unforgettable evening.

Since you, dear readers, barely know me, and probably find it hard to make up a picture of me only through the few articles I put up here, I decided that this time, I will write about something a little more personal. To name it: dating.

As I had one wonderful date last night I just feel like I need to share it with all of you. But to start at the beginning I'm gonna talk about the preparation, in my case a hot bath, a glass of wine and my dear friend on the phone. After we discussed the holy question of what to wear ( I went for the LBD, as you can never go wrong with a classic), we couldn't help but analyze the whole dating situation in Zurich. And we came to a tingly conclusion: The only thing a girl needs to get a date is another date. How sad a fate! Once you got a little zsa-zsa-zsu in your life, you seem to air that one little something that makes men fall for you. Wouldn't it be much wiser to allot the male aspirants all over the year?

So my preparation was done and, as usual, I was late. But the young mister didn't seem to mind, quite the contrary, my chic delaying seemed to give me something hard-to-get-ish! So we went out for dinner. Do you know these kind of dates that are simply so amazing that the dinner turns into a drink, and the drink turns into a little walk? If you do you can imagine what a lovely night I had yesterday. But in the heat of the battle I somehow agreed to Mister Lovely to cook him dinner one day - The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess ( and several small fires). But I'll take care of this another day, right now I'm getting ready to celebrate a friend's birthday on a rainy day in Zurich.

All my love, your enchanted Holly

Aus Kimandras Diary

The godmother of LBD herself

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