Saturday, July 23, 2011


There was clearly a place to be in Zurich yesterday evening, and, of course, I had to go and see what all the fuss was about. The place was Kochstrasse 1, and the fuss was about the pop-up vernissage Eins/1/I by the two young gallery owners, Oskar Weiss and Yves Sinka. Unlike in London, where the two youngsters are currently based and such exhibitions are nothing out of the ordinary, you can barely find these kind of lay-offs in Zurich. The idea is to present the work of various artists in a temporary gallery. Meaning: you better be quick if you want to see this inspiring collection. (It ends
July the 29th!)
So, first things first. I arrived (soaking wet, thank you weather gods), to see my two favorite swiss photographers, Rico Scagliola and Michael Meier, showing a project that wasn't quite what the crowd expected. Though reported in several magazines that they would create a sculpture made out of hair, their actual project was equally innovative, including more than 1500 DVDs.. Contiguous to those two beaus, you could see the work of Zurich-based artists such as Nicolas Frey, Tina Braegger, Valentina Vujovic and Play Hunter. If you get the chance, my dear readers, you should really pass by and have a look or two at this red-hot gallery.
Looking at the attendees, I realized that art lovers are mainly hot and again I sent a little curse to mother nature for ruining my hair. Strengthened by a huge sip of white wine, I walked around the gallery and managed to chit-chat with one of the organizers, Oskar Weiss. He told me how he, in fact, doesn't want to create art, yet still wants to be a part of the arts, so becoming a gallery organizer seemed like the perfect option.
After I encouraged my lovely friend to approach the lad she fancied (successfully), earned compliments for my fingernails (sticking newspaper onto your nails apparently is the perfect way to impress in a gallery) and lusted after every single piece in the gallery, I decided it was the right time to go home. And so I left for the rainy streets of Zurich, wondering why umbrellas always conk out when you'd need them the most and over-thinking the relation between arts and attraction.

All my love,

your sneezing Holly

Sinka and Weiss (photo taken from their website)

Michael Meier and the duo's muse Lark in front of their installation (photo taken by Anina Diem)

The Newspaper Nails

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