Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Creating Space

My beloved readers, I'm terribly sorry it took me so long to get back to you. The last couple a'days have been busy, really really busy. After I got my general qualification for university entrance (finally) and managed to cope with the flood of emails, press releases, invitations (how on earth could I miss the re-opening of my beloved Navyboot store?!), I thought it would be a nice idea to muck out my wardrobe. I know, it's a a problem others would gladly trade for their own, but it's really disgusting how much clothes I own. They're spilled all over the bedroom floor and my walkable (ka-ching!) wardrobe is on the brink of a blow out. So I started, full of beans and high on caffeine with the good olde Smith Westerns on the record player , to wade through the downs of my closet and nearly pegged out because, and you better mark my words, I've slipped on a vogue issue. Even though it might be a classy exitus, you better keep your slicks nowhere near your feet. Lesson learned (the hard way). Well, after I survived this death trap, the only painful experience left was the farewell to the things I won't ever wear again. And that's where the trouble begins: Who knows if you may need the mint green neckholder top with flowers on it again? Or the shirt with a funky man on it, saying 'Take Funk To Heaven In '77'? One day, it might be just the one thing you need?

Surprisingly, I stayed strong and sorted out all the useless things in my amazing collection of 'I-wont-ever-wear-this-but-I-have-to-buy-it,-just-in-case' and headed to the jumble sale with it. And the even more surprising thing was that people actually bought my stuff. And that's where the next tricky part began: How do you not spend all the money you earned by selling old stuff on buying different old stuff? But how could I overcome the temptation of dinosaur stickers? And for those of you who didn't know: Yes, dinosaurs are my fav animals in all the world, yes I am LIVID that they no longer exist. And yes, I do consider them as animals, what else? Fruit?

So I'm writing this article, with my coffe cup covered with dinosaurs, wearing a dress originally designed for 5-year-olds and couldn't feel better about it.

All my love,

Holly (who really loves the tiny little arms of dinosaurs- how useless they are but aaaaaaaw!)

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