Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Voir et être vu at Zürich Münsterhof

Last Wednesday I attended the re-opening of the prestigous shop Leder Locher at Münsterhof, Zürich. First things first, it was the night before I had my final exams (yay!) and so I've found it quite hard to concentrate on anything else but imperialism and alliances between major powers. But as soon as I arrived there (obviously, with my history book hidden in my sinful beauteous purse), the charming ambience and the fact that I spotted my dear pal Florian T., whose collection is now available at Leder Locher, took my mind off the upcoming exams instantly. So after I nearly knocked out the ex-mister switzerland with my history book- purse- combo, I took a look at the newly converted shop of the oldest swiss leather company.

As I only have been there for about an hour, I don't have many words to describ this event. Whereas the shop looked really fab and the products they sell is of an excellent quality, I wasn't too enthusiastic about most of the guests. It was just the typical zurich high society, taking another chance to see and be seen. So I was utterly relieved when I could sneak out of the backdoor, saving myself from another thousand POTCs and return happily to my desk. Nevertheless, Leder Locher is a really great company, selling high-quality pieces and advising their clients courteously, and for those of you who are interested, I strongly recommend to visit this link, where you can find out more about this 189-years-old-business.

As many kisses as you can carry,

your Holly

Aus Kimandras Diary
Photo taken from tillate.ch

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