Tuesday, October 25, 2011

De Main En Main

Recently I started almost each one of my blog entries with apologetic words for my long absence. And there we are again, but this time it was neither my fault nor the lack of time. My Macbook decided to die and leave me hanging high and dry. And I, of course, was too shy to call the customer service – again! But this doesn't mean I wasn't busy as a bee the last couple of days. To make up the long period of Holly-News, I'm going to sum it up quickly for you. One great experience surely was the Revival Tour, which is basically a bunch of folk-singers (such as Chuck Ragan, who stole my heart with his heartrending voice), celebrating music at it's finest in terms of playing music with his friends in a rather alternative venue. A week before that I visited my friends Friendly Fires during their gig in Zurich and broke the heel of my most beloved semi-suede-semi-patent ankleboots (yes, I did cry) and ended up giving a painful interpretation of Christophe's Aline.

But now it's time to splash away the hangover with venti non fat lattes and tell you about the amazing vintage sale that took place the past Saturday. The idea was to empty the wardrobes and find new grateful owners of our most beloved (and, to be honest, not so beloved) items. And to eat cake, of course.So the Kimandra-team and some other very very lovely ladies nested themselves into a lovely flat in Zurich Kreis 3, bought plenty bottles of red wine and showed off really, really nice clothes, bags, shoes etc. I mean, really girls, what's not to like? It might have been my colossal weariness, but I didn't buy a thing! But I did talk a girl into buying the greatest pair of trousers ever known to mankind. Mission accomplished. And I got compared with Steve Zissou, which is okay to me, because he surely kicks ass. That's basically it, I'm well aware of the fact that there probably is more to tell about this delightful event, but remembering the fact I only slept 3 hours the night before I am pretty sure you will forgive me for being a little uninformative.

As many kisses as you can carry,

your Holly

Aus Kimandras Diary
Our section at the sale

Aus Kimandras Diary
Steffi wearing the most amazing trousers

Aus Kimandras Diary
yummy-cake I bake

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