Friday, November 18, 2011

Le Freak, c'est chic!

What a week! During the past few days Zurich turned into a city where actually some cool things happen. It all started on Tuesday, where I woke up hungover and not quite sure why I even got drunk the night before. Anyway, I then realized I'm invited to attend nike event in the evening, the launch of the Nike GYAKUSOU at Grand Zurich. Bonded to this launch, another happening took place which I cannot exactly describe. Even though the very kind
attendants tried to explain it to me, my sports-teflon brain couldn't keep the information. Fact: some people ran arround town with cameras attached to their bodies. And a projector showed us the outcome in the store.
And this was only the beginning. On Wednesday Zurich Fashion Days started with the Opening Night, to keep things short: Why on earth would anyone willingly listen to a Sarah Connor live gig? The Next day Roberto The Suntan Cavalli himself awarded
Maxime Rappaz with a one-year-internship and presented his 2012 Summer Collection. Rad! I was literally awestruck, but I didn't have much time to gaze at Cavalli as after the show the pre-after show party by Toujours Toi Family Affairs and LBD was held in Pattaya. A former house of pleasure? Nice! My friend and I didn't have any money left to spend on booze, but luckily we somehow managed to end up strongly intoxicated. Well, not so lucky the morning after... But no time to complain about a hangover: In the evening the Swiss Designer's Choice show took place which included the new collection by Little Black Dress, Claudia Zuber and my favorite Swiss label Toujours Toi Family Affairs. Seriously, what's not to like? It was basically my dream wardrobe. The designs by Nina Egli and her mother are my idea of the perfect outfit for a cup of tea while reading a book by Simone de Beauvoir in a sweet little café with the prospect of a date with Mister Perfect. In fact that means girly velvet dresses, chiffon blouses and my absolute dream coat. It underlines the little girl in each woman and that makes Toujours Toi such a adorable label.
I couldn't help but laugh when a semi-famous blogger wasn't
seated in the front row and started a riot at the press desk because of that. Even funnier that I was asked to move forwards to the front row with my friends shortly before the show started and the angry blogger gave me the most piercing murderous look I've ever seen. Couple a'hours after that, Christiane Arp, editor-in-chief at German Vogue brought along four of her favorite uprising labels, such as Vladimir Karaleev, René Storck, Michael Sontag and Augustin Teboul. Each one of the labels convinced, Augustin Teboul for example demands very high standards of the manufacture of their clothes as where as Vladimir Karaleev puts the focus on feminine shapes. After the Mercedes Benz Vogue Salon I attended the Friday Fashion Party, which was packed with good-looking people. Even though the Dj-Team Space Girls (six girls hopping around while one of them scratches the turntables a tiny little bit) did not quite make the fashionistas and fashionistos dance, it was good fun to be there. The Fashion Days reached an end on Saturday under the motto Fashion Rocks, unfortunately I diddn't see the show because, and I am terribly sorry for that world, I fell asleep. I
woke up and hoped to shrivel up, but that did not happen. Instead I made my way to the Kostume Aftershow party at red hot club Blok. Technology doesn't seem to like fashion too much, or why else would it sabotage the aftershow party with electrical shorts?
So what can I say about Zurich Fashion Days? All in all pretty miserable, but the alternative fashion happenings all around ZFD made this a very special week. The Morning after I woke up in a friends bed, wondering where my necklace has
gone. And then, I made one of the most pleasant experiences this weekend: Gingerbread lattes and therefore christmas time is back.

Lots of love,
your Holly

Just Cavalli

Toujours Toi Family Affairs, photo taken from

LBD, photo taken from

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