Tuesday, May 3, 2011

From Laos With Love

I guess there is barely no difference between people observing the mating habits of randy rabbits and people inspecting a newly released collection by Florian T. In both cases you got someone glancing with an immense interest and some kind of admiration for the thoroughness the protagonists have- well then, I suppose (or strongly hope) most of you would prefer gazing at wonderfully detailed leather accessory than spying on bunnys... Sure enough there was this beautiful happening that allowed to sneak a peak on the latest Florian T. collection in the Zurich- based shop Opia.
When I first arrived there, dressed in a blue tulip skirt and a see through blouse, I only stood there, lusting after one of these adorable wallets. I wish I could have bought one, but unfortunately the financial situation of a student is not the best. And wouldn't it be an awful pity to buy such a charming leather wallet and have nothing left to put in there? So after a big zip of my glass of Prosecco, I felt strong enough to unsnap and chit-chat with some of the other visitors. Chance brought it about – I ran into Florian T. himself who told me about the fabrics he uses for his creations. He buys the fabrics all over the world and each piece is unique, which actually doesn't make it easier to relinquish one of those wallets, but my fingers are still crossed that some mellow fairy comes in and puts one on my bedside table.
Oh I yet haven't introduced myself, but let's keep that one for another day!
All my love,
Holly Golightly

me holding one of the pretty wallets

1 comment:

  1. Dear Holly

    Thank you so much for your sweet article....
    Let me be your mellow fairy!
    Call me and i'm more than happy to offer you one of my gorgeous wallets.

    078 791 40 40

    Florian T.
