Monday, May 2, 2011

Nudestekker for Kimandra

We are very proud to announce our new collaboration with nudestekker. We will get a special edition of the aide rucksack exclusively done for Kimandra. As presented on a post bellow, everything is handmade and done with a lot of love. The special edition will maintain the simplicity and minimalism of it's design but will get a touch of Kimandra. All in the spirit of the designer that want's her products to be "nude" and leave it to its owner to give its personal touch - by adding something of their own or just by the simple fact of wearing and using it.

We will have the Kimandra Edition as a little special on our Spring-Apéro at the 11th and will, if some are left, have them up for sale on our blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi dear Kimandra ;)

    Congratulation on all your success! I got the message, but I dont't think I will be able to come...I'm writing my bachelorarbeit at the moment and I'm soo busy... I will see how I ll be, but I don't know.
    Keep up your work, you're doing it well!!
