Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fashionshow TRANSIT

Bonjour my beloved readers. I know, I've been a lousy columnist recently! But due to my upcoming exams my life became way less glamourous than usually, and I spent most of the evenings over my books and most of the mornings with ink on my cheek (note to self: never fall asleep while reading/studying)...
Nevertheless, there was one big happening I didn't want to miss out on - on the past sunday the students of the Fashion Design School Zurich showed their final collection at the Transit fashionshow.
As I got there, lusting after an ice cold beer (it was beyond-all-bearing hot on sunday in Zurich), I couldn't help but notice the humonguos crowd in- and outside the building. And apparently, I am the only human being on this planet that actually has perspiratory glands, how else could all these people look so fresh and cooled? Well, apart from this fact, the entire happening was a great experience. Oh, hold on...there were some rather odd moments during the show. More precisely: Why would anyone send people wearing weird-looking felt suits on the catwalk? I know, it was meant to show how talented the freshmen (who were responsible for the felt-disaster) are, but it was a tiny bit too arty-farty in my opinion, but who am I to judge? As soon as the real show began, which finally showed the seniors creations, my mind was taken off from the lack of air-conditioning and walking felt huddles. Under the 10 collections I could easily choose my three favorites: the first was mad bloom by Sarah Baur, who presented flowy maxiskirts with flower pattern and touched the nerve of the time by involving the color block trend. Another favorite was Olga Dams, whose single-colored dresses had a little bit of Marc Jacobs action going on. But the collection I liked best was clearly Victoria Steiner's comecloser, since she mixed delicate chiffon with solid suede and added the perfect shoe to it (which is basically what my wardrobe consists of). And I'm being all honest when I say that this shoe was simply PERFECT (I have to get them). What I didn't like was Janine Dürsts collection deception... well I probably would have liked it if I was in my mid-forties and had a preference for Monaco, caviar and dead animals. If none of these is you cup'a tea, you probably wouldn't like it either.
What did I wear? It was sunday, I was hungover and still in a trance (went to a staging of The Wall by Pink Floyd the night before and decided to try and get married to Roger Waters, so his ingenuity would rub off on me), so I didn't want to spend too many thoughts on what to wear. I decided to go for a nice shift dress in navyblue, a satchel bag in cognac, nude high heels and, in case it got a little nippy (ha-ha, good one Holly) an aviator jacket. You know, Confucius say 'never change a winning team'. Well, obviously he doesn't, but you get my point I hope.

All my love,
Holly Golightly
P.S. Please excuse the quality of the pictures, but my photographer decided to leave me in the lurch the very last second, so I had to take photographs with my cellphone...

Olga Dams

Sarah Baur

Victoria Steiner

Index of the designers:
Nicole Bumann
Franziska Steck
Lisa Pfeiffer
Sarah Baur
Janine Dürst
Laura Sgier
Victoria Steiner
Esther Stocker
Daniel Pfenniger
Olga Dams

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