Sunday, July 3, 2011

How Holly nearly got kidnapped

First things first: I really had planned on studying all weekend, to get prepared for my final exams, but it even the best-laid plans eventually go astray. So instead of studying mathematics, I ended up chatting with the british band Friendly Fires backstage at Open Air St. Gallen. I know, Karma's gonna get me for this one, but I'll worry about that later.

So, my beloved reader, how on earth did I blunder into that? I got a text on Friday night asking whether I'd like to get two free passes for the Open Air and about six hours later found myself sitting on the train, destination St. Gallen. The sender of the text was a roadie of FF who I made friends with in a really long and drunken night during another Swiss Music Festival. As I got there, I quickly headed to the media corner where I met two colleagues. I thought it'd be a nice idea to in causa 'festival fashion', so I stepped out of the safe area and entered mud-zone, just to realise that there was no 'festival fashion, unless you consider sombreros and slogan-shirts ('it isn't going to lick itself') fashionable of course. But as I continued my research, I couldn't help but notice that it seemed impossible to the crowd to get shitfacedbefore 11 am. Extra bonus: I've found a friend, completely shitfaced, lying in the dirt (ha-ha, shitfaced indeed). After I took her to her tent, I hurried back to the VIP-area, where the audience at least pretends to be sober. In these exciting moments, I almost forgot time and arrived a bit late to see my friend. He welcomed me with two acces all area passes (huzzah!) So, we went to see Hurts play, and yes, it did hurt (my ears basically). And so did Mona (who happily announced, that they're going to be bigger than Bono. Why the heck would you choose Bono if you wanted to refer to someone iconic?). After the concert was finished, I was left with a feeling of vicarious embarrassmnet and with the question 'Where did all the good music go?'. As time flew by, my friend had already started setting up the stage for FF, and I thought I'd better go and check my dear drunk friend. In the meantime, it got dark and I was running late for the Friendly Fires concert. As I hurried back, a really drunk person pulled at my arm. Another drunk person suddenly lifted me and I started wriggling in order to free myself, all to no avail. Luckily, a third and fourth drunk came and rescued me. I watched the tussle between the utter drunkards for a short moment, as much amused as anxious, before I finally went to see the gig I'd been waiting for all day. I learnt many things that day, such as scottish people like to fry their food and concerts are way more fun watched from backstage. The thing I didn't learn was how to integrate.

All my love,


P.S. No dear drunk friends of mine got harmed. Luckily.

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