Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holly Meets Jana Van De Boldt

Bonjour my beloved reader! I'd love to introduce you to our new project called Holly meets... where I chitchat to musicians, photographers, designers, artists, dancers and whatsoever. We're premièring with Berlin-based photographer Jana Van De Boldt, a lovely lady about whom you'll surely hear some more. Enough talking, let's do this!

Holly: When did you start photographing and what's been the background?

Jana: I'm not so sure about the age, but I remember buying my first SLR camera aged 21. But before this I used to photograph analogously. All my friends were complaining about me photographing everything, but it's obviously always been a passion of mine. What's been the background? Well, it surely doesn't have anything to do with my parents since they don't have anything to do with photography. I've been interested in fashion and photography since a really young age. I've actually always been the creative head in my family. I love to tinker and do handicraft work, I'd rather fix something or change it somehow instead of simply throwing it into the trash.

What did you study?

I studied communication design and got my Bachelor of Arts this year.

Congrats to that! Tell me about your first camera and your relationship with it.

My first, professional camera was a Nikon D80 and I still use it quite often. I have a pretty intense relationship with it. Somehow it is my baby, I would only be half me if I didn't have it, it's been accompanying me ever since and it's always been fit to play when I needed it to be.

What inspires you?

I obtain my inspiration from other photographers, magazines, blogs, shops, movies and locations in other towns and countries.

Which photographers? Who do you admire?

Oh, there's a lot! There are so many photographers who inspire me a lot and whose pictures I could gaze at for hours. My favourites are Jamie Nelson, I love her works and the way she draws attention to women. Pure femininity and very sensual. But I also love photographers...such as Marc Vallee, he's genius. Or Lara Jade and Steven Klein... There are so many great photographers!

What are your goals?

Well, my goal is to do what I like to do and to have fun doing it. But obviously it would be great to make a living from it. A good living, because I can't live on love alone. In fine: I want to be a top photographer, walking past the newspaper kiosk and say: my work is in this, this and that magazine.

Your worst experience at a shooting?

That was when two models cancelled the shooting and then, a little later, the make-up artist too. And all this right before the shooting was ought to take place. That was really depressing, because I organized a lot to do this shooting, but that's just how it rolls sometime. You learn from your mistakes and do it differently the next time. I started to organize alternates, because it's likely that a model can't make it, because she's ill or whatever. I can keep the stress at a minimum this way.

Do you think it's possible to capture real life's beauty through the lens?

What an interesting question! Well, I think so. Because beauty passes, but pictures stay forever.

Would you rather lose or gain an eye?

What a question! I think I'd rather lose an eye. Three would be two too much (laughs), because if you have three eyes you discern much more things. And if you only have one, you focus on the essential things.

Your personal style?

Casual chic I'd say. I like wearing jeans with a shirt and a cardi. Sometimes you find me on heels, but I enjoy wearing sneakers as well.

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

Definitely my cognac-coloured jeans with a white shirt that has bufflehead print on it.

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