Friday, January 27, 2012

Kimandra on Walla

We are excited to see that we got a great review of Kimandra on Walla the most popular fashion website in Israel. Click here to read the original text or thanks to google translate here everything in english (more or less...):

Romance at affordable prices

Trailer: Elements of the site of Kimandra are not new - Fashion blog based on photography, vintage items, rare and online store. Mixing the components into a single unit Wharf high quality is what makes it unique.

Establishing a blog Kim and Andrea from Zurich, Switzerland, wanted to create a virtual space of inspiring vintage fashions. Natural selection vintage was need for them since they are seeking responsible. Instead of showing the items in isolation, they felt like having to give them a context and give guidance to help attain the best.

Personal blog and feel invested when the two are both good companies to become their mission of quality and rare items. Unlike the masses of other blogs on the network, which settle spontaneously in the mirror photography using iPhone's camera, Kimandra produces photos that look like meticulous fashion Productions indie magazine. The two brochures for photographers and artists to give each outfit the full attention he deserves, but are not satisfied with any item accompanied Btizing price tag and can be ordered from the site.

Kimandra's business model is a prime example of how the web allows talented people without deep pockets or behind a complex Operations, express creative vision and make some money on the road.

What's inside: Entries photographic, each accompanied by an explanation of the item sold, including a reference to a decade in which he creates and the rate. Evident that the two are fans of romance, the items include a variety of feminine dresses and shirts fluttering delicate fabrics that make more innocent decades longing. Items that come in one size, average prices ranging around the 50 Euro. Anyone interested in purchasing an item just need to send the address indicated category listed i in Order, with all the details of the order.

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