Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'll be seeing you

Spring seems so far away, I feel like I'm living on the planet Hoth and as if I got popsicles as veins (even when wearing two coats? Brrr!).
But instead of crying over this cold, cold situation, I'll think of what I'm looking forward to in spring. I remember the last spring as one of the happiest times in my life, I don't know what exactly made this spring so jolly, most likely it's my wild love for these spring times. Everything gets back to life, it feels like all the things that have been hibernating slowly wake up and open their sleepy eyes to see spring's beauty. I most likely start the perfect spring day with a big cup of English Breakfast tea with a splash of milk while watching the birds and listening to some fine tunes. After that, I meet up with some of my dearest friends and we'll hit the streets, heading to the flea market, tracking after underappreciated treasures. Or maybe on our way to a museum to check out an exhibition. Either way, it's not hard to dress appropriately, because the weather makes it possible to wear a sheer chiffon dress, paired with a pair of beige Supergas and maybe a hoodie in case it gets too brisk. As we all know, slipping through the streets can be exhausting, so we might go for a little coffee in a nice little spot – nothing to outrageous, where we sit and giggle. After the waiters kindly ask us to leave, since we haven't ordered anything for the past three hours, we stroll around until we find a park where we can lay down and blink right into the sun. Or maybe have a round of Double Dutch? In the evening, you invite your friends over for dinner, kill a bottle of wine and then hit the clubs. You all know these days, where you feel like you're filming a video clip for Best Coast or inspiring Yann Tiersen to write a new song. So remember, spring, we'll be seeing you.

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