Saturday, February 11, 2012

Holly meets Florian T.

You might remember my first article for Kimandra – I surely do – in which I told you about Florian Trösch, the zurich-based designer who knows what dreams are made of (exquisitefabrics, of course) and who managed to sell his dreamy creations in Zurich’s top stores after only 18 months of working as a designer. Earlier this week, I met him for a quick coffee, he revealed his fashion sins and why he wouldn't be where he is today if weren't for his other job, flight attendant.

Florian, when did you start doing this?

Soon, it will be two years since I did my first bag. I remember this first collection so well, I was on a trip to Thailand and found some of the most fascinating fabrics and thought to myself: 'What a pity that these fabrics won't ever be used again.' So I bought some of them, made my first bag and drew another 9 sketches. And then, as soon as I got back to Zurich, I was sold out. People even bought bags that hadn't even been made by this point. I then realized, that there's a high demand for this kind of accessory.

This kind?

Yes, you know, unique fabrics. In the Beijing collection Iused these special baby carriers, that women of a hill tribe in China make whenever one of them is pregnant, and combined this old fabrics with finest leather. And in my new collection, I used fish leather from sustainable keeping.

I've seen some of the pieces, they are wonderful. But good fashion comes with a price – do you remember the first high fashion piece you've ever bought?

Let me think, I sure own the classics like the LV bag and I absolutely adore my Diesel Black Gold boots. But I think the very first very expensive item was a Dior necklace, which cost about 2.5 grand. But don't worry, I got this as a present from my then-boyfriend. It reminds me of him, which is wonderful, because he's got a heart of gold and we're still good friends! But actually, I'm not that much of a brand person. I appreciate good quality, but it has to be simple. So you won't ever see me wearing a shirt that says D&G in big, golden letters on it...(he looks down on his chest) Well, this adidas sweater is an exception – it's so super comfy!

What's your fashion mantra?

Well, I'm not a fan of sayings like 'less is more' or 'never combine brown with blue' – I think everyone should wear whatever he feels like wearing. But if I had to point out one, it would probably something like 'don't use your body as advertising space for labels'.

And what does the ultimate Florian T. customer look like?

Oh, what a tough question! I think it's less about the looks than the spirit. It's someone who loves little, playful, high quality products that are very unique, but he doesn't have to brag about them.

What was your biggest fashion sin?

Oh my! I was a right techno fan, so we, my friends and me, got it all going on. The neon colours, the wide pants – Once, we stole a friend's father's, who worked as a fireman, fireman trousers. Only because they were neon-orange.

Okay, let's leave the skeletons in the closet... What inspires you most?

Traveling! My job as a flight attendant comes in handy there. I find it so important to see other cultures, other food – I love food – and other traditions. I wouldn't be me if I had to stay in Zurich forever. I'm going to Cape Town on Friday, I'm so looking forward to this. I guess I got bitten by the travel bug as a baby and never quite recovered from it. But I wouldn't want to recover from it anyways!

So what job do you prefer? Designer or flight attendant?

I honestly can't say... Without the one, the other couldn't exist. I adore both of my jobs and wouldn't want to give up on one. It's a symbiotic thing, you know.

Make sure you check out Florian's website, the new collection will be online soon!

Fishleather I-phone cases now available at Opia

loads of love,


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